Below is a guide to what products can be dumped at Frews Contracting yards.


Concrete Grade 1

Concrete can include large slabs, demolished concrete.

Concrete will not contain: Soil, bricks, asbestos, steel, PVC or plastic wood


This material may contain the following: Concrete, soil, gravel, bricks, tiles, ash, clay
This material will not contain the following: Wood, asbestos, plastic or PVC products, plasterboard



Greenwaste may contain: lawn, leafs, branches, and treetrunks.
Greenwaste will not contain: Soil, bricks, timber, concrete, or any other special waste.


Spoil is mostly soil that contains a little bit of hardfill like bricks, concrete, or asphalt.
Spoil may contain: Mostly soil with a little big of concrete, bricks, ashphalf
Spoil will not contain: Large chucks of concrete, or any other large chcucks of hardfill products, asbestos, polystrene  or any other special waste


Mixed C&D

Mixed C&D is a mixture of dumping products combined.
Mixed C&D may contain: timber, concrete, bricks, ashphalt
Mixed C&D will not contain: asbestos, polystrene  or any other special waste.



  Cash and Eftpos only.